The Collective Voice of BRiC
If you are a woman living in the UK with a diagnosis of breast cancer and you would like to join our private group, please contact us through our public facebook page: Centre for Building Resilience in Breast Cancer.
- 1Work and Career: Balancing professional responsibilities with treatment and recovery.
- 2Diet and Nutrition: Understanding the role of diet in health and well-being during and after cancer treatment.
- 3Communication with Children: Strategies for talking to children about cancer and its effects.
- 4Managing Anxiety and Depression: Techniques for coping with mental health challenges.
- 5Post-Traumatic Stress and Growth: Exploring the psychological impacts of cancer and pathways to personal growth.
- 6The Meaning of Life: Reflecting on life’s purpose and finding meaning in adversity.
- 7Secondary Breast Cancer: Addressing the specific needs and concerns related to secondary diagnoses.
- 8Emotional Suppression: Discussing the effects of suppressing emotions and ways to express them healthily.
- 9Chemo-Brain: Understanding and managing cognitive changes related to chemotherapy.
- 10Finding Happiness in Little Things: Focusing on small joys and positive moments to enhance well-being.