Engaging Women in Projects of Resilience!

Our projects allow us to highlight the unique and varied ways that women with primary and secondary breast cancer live with and beyond their diagnosis. We aim to engage our members to share their unique stories and challenge the commonly-held assumptions about breast cancer. We share the good, the bad, the happy and the sad, with a focus on our resilience.

Pathway to resilience


The Emotional Impact of Breast Cancer

The moment a breast cancer diagnosis is delivered, it can feel as though the world stops turning. Shock, disbelief, and fear often surge uncontrollably. Members of our community describe a whirlwind of emotions—fear of the unknown, anxiety about the future, and a sense of isolation from the life they once knew. This emotional turbulence is a natural response to the profound uncertainty and disruption that cancer brings. Read how our community described the psychological impact of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 2018

#MyBreastCancerTruth #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BRiCMembers

Sharing the Story: Insights from Our Community

October, while celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, can be a particularly challenging time for those undergoing treatment for primary and secondary breast cancer, as well as for those living with its lasting effects. The heightened visibility of the pink-ribbon symbol and the widespread campaigns aimed at raising funds and promoting awareness are invaluable for advancing research and support.

In this year, as part of our Breast Cancer Awareness Month initiative, we reached out to our members to gather their perspectives on what truly matters to them when it comes to information about both primary and secondary breast cancer. The feedback we received has been profoundly illuminating.

Our members shared their experiences and highlighted key areas where information and support are crucial. Their insights reveal the need for a more nuanced understanding of the ongoing challenges faced by those living with breast cancer, and underscore the importance of addressing their unique needs and concerns.

The results of our survey provide a compelling call to action for a more inclusive and empathetic approach to breast cancer awareness. By focusing not only on prevention but also on the realities faced by those who are currently battling the disease, we can foster a more supportive and understanding community.

Over the course of October in our project #MyBreastCancerTruth we shared the stories of real women living with primary and secondary breast cancer, which highlighted that breast cancer is more than a single story.

We are the women behind the statistics. We are the women whose lives are rich and meaningful, whose contributions to their families and communities are significant, despite our disease. We are the real women behind the statistics, we are not ‘patients,’ we are mothers, daughters, sisters, partners and friends. We are all women everywhere.

Read our stories here: blogspot breast cancer awareness month

Celebrating Volunteers Week

June 1-7, 2018

#Volunteers Week #BRiCMembers

Volunteers Week is a time to recognise and celebrate the incredible contributions of volunteers across various communities. From June 1-7, 2018, we had the privilege of showcasing the many and varied ways our dedicated members generously volunteer their time and efforts to make a difference in the lives of others.

Our community members embody the spirit of giving and service in remarkable ways, each bringing their unique skills, experiences, and passions to their volunteer roles. During this special week, we highlighted a range of activities that our volunteers are engaged in, illustrating the profound impact they have on those they support and the broader community.

Lymphoedema Awareness Week

4-10 MARCH 2018

#ResilienceInLymphoedema #LAW2018 #LymphoedemaAwareness

We join together in supporting the wider community and celebrate the resilience of all women living with resilience in lymphoedema, in particular, Anita, Bal, Carol, Jackie, Jane, Jennie, Lorna, Lynn, Pauline, Rhian, Ruth, Serena, Tamsin and Vicky – all affected by lymphoedema and who have so generously agreed to take part in our feature over Lymphoedema Awareness Week.

Read their individual stories, to be posted soon!

World Cancer Day

FEB 4th, 2018

#WeCanICan #WorldCancerDay

World Cancer Day is a powerful opportunity to unite our voices in the fight against cancer and to honor the strength and resilience of those affected by this disease. On February 4, 2018, we celebrated this significant day by creating a heartfelt photo-montage featuring the contributions and stories of our community.

Read more here: WorldCancerDayBlog

BRiC gets crafty


#bricmembers #creativity #pathways2resilience

Our members shared their artistic and creative talents which were captured in a series of well-received montages. These amazing women are artists and craftswomen, expressing their creativity through baking, cake decorating, crochet, glass-making, jewellery-making, knitting, painting, photography, playing musical instruments and sewing (to name but a few!).

Read more here: GetsCraftyBlog

Some examples:

Pathways to Resilience



To celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we asked our members to share their own, personal definition of resilience.

Read more here: Pathway To Resilience

Some examples:

Lymphoedema Awareness Month

March 2017


March is dedicated to raising awareness about lymphoedema, a challenging yet often overlooked side effect of cancer treatment. This month, we shine a spotlight on this debilitating condition to increase understanding and support for those affected by it.

Read here: Resilience In Lymphoedema 2017

Lymphoedema Awareness Month

October 2016


In October 2016, we embarked on an inspiring journey to explore and celebrate the diverse ways in which our community members find strength and resilience in the face of breast cancer. This initiative, known as “Pathways to Resilience” highlighted the remarkable stories and personal experiences of over 30 individuals who have bravely shared their journeys on our blog, Panning for Gold.

Read here: Resilience In Lymphoedema 2017