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Our members have blogged for the HuffPost:

Head of BRiC: Nazanin Derakhshan

Former Deputy Head of BRiC: Tamsin Sargeant

BRiC Member: Bonnie Fox

BRiC Member: Penny Rutterford

BRiC Member: Mary Huckle

Old News Stories


Ambassador Dr Caroline Humber (below left) joined the #NotSecondRate campaign trail with Breast Cancer Care at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton in October 2017. She spoke to Jeremy Corbyn about the fight for better services for patients with secondary breast cancer.

Member Sarah (above 2nd left) also attended the Labour Party Conference on the #NotSecondRate campaign with Caroline, where she had the wonderful experience of working with Breast Cancer Care highlighting the issues surrounding secondary breast cancer, and she met Eddie Izzard!

JULY 2017

Susan Quirke on ‘How I climbed out of the pit of despair’, with Cancer Research UK. Watch the Video.

APRIL 2017

Ambassador Dr Caroline Humber featured in a Sun online article reporting that tens and thousands of women with incurable breast cancer are being denied crucial NHS specialist nursing care.

The Sun

BRiC member Alison Tait pleased at the approval of Kadcyla, read here in the Edinburgh News

BRiC member Bonnie Fox battles for Kadcyla, read here in Breast Cancer Now.


BRiC member Alison Tait fighting for the NHS to approve Kadcyla, read here in the Daily Record


Deputy Tamsin Sargeant featured in the Guardian discussing her BRCA1 genetic testing and how this resulted in her finding a half-sister she hadn’t known existed.

The Guardian featuring Tamsin

BRiC member Bonnie Fox on the voice of secondary breast cancer and approving Kadcyla, read here on BBC news.


Deputy Vicky Wilkes attended the Conservative Party Conference with Breast Cancer Care at the ICC Birmingham in October 2016, where she lobbied MPs with the #NotSecondRate campaign and spoke to Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt and other government ministers about the fight for better services for patients with secondary breast cancer.

Birmingham Mail 

Vicky attended an event at the Houses of Parliament, again with Breast Cancer Care lobbying MPs, this time across all parties. Sharon Hodgson MP, Shadow Minister for Public Health including cancer care, showed a particular interest in her plight as she is a member of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Breast Cancer.

JUNE 2015

Deputy Tamsin Sargeant featured in Vita, the breast cancer magazine, discussing her genetic testing for the BRCA1 gene which brought her together with her half sister whom she had never met.

Vita Magazine featuring Tamsin